Lakshya – Learnings from the Movie

I saw Lakshya (meaning goal) yesterday for the first time. It is an India war film revolving around the life of a person (Hrithik Roshan) who had no aim in life and ended up becoming a Lieutenant in the Indian Army and lead his team to victory. The film was very motivational and had a lot to offer to entrepreneurs in terms of learning.

Have a Lakshya: Without a goal, there is no way forward. You need to know where you want to reach to be able to move forward.

Plan Well to Win: Winning a battle or startup success is about good planning. In the movie also, at times soldiers acted without a plan and solely on energy and gut, which backfired. Eventually, the battle was won because of good planning and execution.

Persist: The soldiers persisted in their efforts, which led to victory. Entrepreneurship is a long battle and persistence plays a very important role.

Motivation: Hrithik was able to become serious in life because of his father’s mocking and his fear of losing his girl friend. Motivation is what led him to change his ways and set goals for his life.

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