Startup Model – Wristbands for Lovers

THE MODEL: A wristband which can be used to transfer touch between 2 people. If 1 partner touches the wristband, the other partner wearing the band will feel it. No matter how far away they are, they will feel as if they touched each other’s hands. Also the band can be used a fitness activity tracker, a game controller or a smart alarm clock.

STARTUPTapTap (American startup)

wristband app

Core Idea – Wristband transferring a feeling of touch between lovers.

Novelty Value – A lot of customers would buy it for the novelty and emotional value of the idea. Also it offers users additional services like tracking user activity, acting as a smart alarm clock by suggesting the right amount of sleep and extending gaming experiences by acting as a controller.

Design – The wristbands are offered in multiple colors and have great designs on them. Also they are made up of a silicone and plastic material which is soft and comfortable for users.


Competition – A user will not buy more than 1-2 wristbands. Hence the competition in the wristband space is very high. 

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