Growth Hack – Right Place at the Right Time

I have read several times that successful people are at the right place at the right time and have often wondered why I have never managed to do this. The answer is that this does not happen by chance and requires a mix of intuition, effort and luck. We need to constantly look out for new and emerging waves of growth and need to position ourselves at the right place to grow along.

Evernote followed this strategy and was able get really good early traction based on it. Around 2008-9, mobile apps, as we know them today, were beginning to really take off. App stores were emerging as new and potentially strong distribution channels. App stores will still in their early days and competition within them was quite limited.  Evernote took note of this and spent a lot of time, money and effort in ensuring that they were listed on all app store platforms and tried to get featured listings in as many as possible. This gave them good user traction and growth.

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