The 4 'Investments' Required in a Startup

How much investment do we need to startup? A lot is required but not necessarily in monetary terms. Investment in a startup can be done in many ways.

Time: This is the biggest investment required. The more the number of people investing their time, the better the chances of the business taking off.

Skills: Investing time is good. If the invested time can carry a better weight, i.e. the time is from people having great skills, the better it is. The more the skills backing the time invested, the bigger the investment.

Passion: The passion is what keeps all other investments going. Investing your passion into you startup ensures that the other investments will keep getting co-invested along with it.

Money: Money is required in any business.

So the first investment an entrepreneur makes is Passion, which is followed by Time, Skills & Money. Even if you do not have very many skills or much money as of now, investing passion and time can ensure that you keep moving and can take you to a stage where the other two investments will automatically start coming in.

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