Startup Model – Sleep Sensing Headphones

THE MODEL: Sleep sensing headphones combined with a mobile app for users to make them sleep better, easier, understand their sleep pattern and wake up fresher. Using brainwave sensors, the mobile app helps a user sleep by adjusting the audio. The intelligent alarm system analyses the perfect time to wake up the user and goes off at that time, ensuring that user gets a sound and complete sleep.

STARTUPKokoon (British startup)

iot business ideas


Core Idea – An IoT startup offering smart headphones to analyse and better sleep patterns.

Product Features – The headphones senses when the user is sleepy and the app adjusts the audio to ensure the user is not disturbed. The headphones are comfortable and carry a tripe noise layer protection. The mobile app studies the sleeping patterns of the user and also carries an audio library to help you sleep. Also a smart alarm rings when the system feels that the user has had a sound and complete sleep.

A Complete Sleep Solution – Using headphones and an app, the startup is able to give a user a solution with complete sleeping/waking support and analytics.

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