Learning from Failure – Avoid Being Over-Optimistic

The Optimism Bias of entrepreneurs is a common problem which can seriously affect the way the entrepreneur thinks about a startup, thereby affecting the startup as well. As the name suggests, it is a cognitive bias which impacts a person’s judgement about a particular event (startup in this case) and makes him/her feel that the chances of a negative outcome are very low.  An entrepreneur, at all times, should think about the startup without having a bias. Only then can the entrepreneur assess the startup’s progress correctly and plan accordingly.

startup failures

Tale of Tales was a startup which used to create narrative based video games. It was making a video game called ‘Sunset’, which the team felt was very good and would be a success. With this bias, they ended up investing much more time and money then they had initially planned. As a team member said “Surely we can make that amount back in the first month of sales!” This did not happen though and there was barely any income to keep the company afloat.

Advice – Think reasonably and practically about your startup. Biases affect judgement and hence the business itself.

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